How To Draw A Portrait In Charcoal With These 8 Easy Steps Anyone Can Follow

Dear Drawing Enthusiast
Charcoal is naturally a loose drawing medium.
However, this doesn’t mean that it cannot be used with precision.
You just need to recognize its unique qualities and use them to your advantage.
Many artists attempt to use charcoal and it just seems to come out a big mess of black scribble. Some even get more charcoal on themselves then on the actual paper.
It can be a tricky art form to learn and tends to get put into the “too hard” basket for many beginner artists.
Why Should You Use Charcoal For Portraits?
The answer is quite simple…
Charcoal produces a rich range of value with strong darks. It can be applied and manipulated quickly allowing the artist to capture visual information with speed.
When it comes to portrait drawing, charcoal is an exceptional medium for modelling and developing the details of the features.
We have teamed up with a professional artist and asked her to create a simple and easy to follow 8 step system.
With 8 video clips and a detailed written PDF will have all the information you need to begin your journey with charcoal.
What Can I Learn To Do With This Course?
The good news is that Charcoal Portrait Mastery shows you step-by-step the way to create a lifelike charcoal portrait that doesn’t look like a pre-schooler created it.
The course is great for anyone looking to try using charcoal as a form of art.
It is a fantastic guide of techniques broken into 8 simple steps that cater from beginning to end.
No stone is left upturned and with clear (and fun) instructions on how to utilise your time to make your drawings pop with lifelike features… you’ll learn at your own pace in the comfort of your home.
Check out the course outline below….

I’ll Also Throw In This Additional Bonus
Monthly Portrait Magazine
As part of your order I’ll also provide you with a 7 day free trial to our latest ‘Monthly Portrait Magazine’ subscription.
Each month you’ll receive a brand new edition send straight to your email.
Portrait drawings range from portraits to charcoal to colour pencil, shading and more.
You’ll also learn how to use different mediums such as water colour portraits, pastel portraits, charcoal portraits as well as different shades of pencil and much more.
Normally this costs $129 for a year but as part of your order I’ll give you a FREE 7 day trial to the subscription (which you can cancel at any time)
If you enjoy the magazine (which I’m sure you will), simply do nothing and our systems will automatically charge you a discounted rate of just $9.95/mth.
You can cancel at anytime and there is no risk or obligation on your part.

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60 Day Money Back Guarantee
All my customers know that I go the extra mile to make them happy. And you will get the same personal service.
So if you aren’t happy with anything at all within 60 days … just contact me at and you’ll receive a full refund on course promptly!
Here’s What Others Think

The video tutorials are extremely helpful for any artist at any stage of learning. Highly recommended!

Very glad I decided to give this course a try. I felt as though I learn’t more with this course than the $500 workshop I attended in the past. Absolutely brilliant teacher and artist. Well worth every penny!
Here’s What To Do Next
Click the “Add To Cart” button below, fill out your information on the next page, and then once the order is successful you can download the course straight to your desktop.
It’s that simple
If you’ve never taken this approach to portrait drawing, give it a “go”.
Charcoal is the perfect medium for approaching portrait drawing in this manner.
Start loose and progressively become more refined and precise as you go. You may find that this approach is better suited for you as an artist.
Well, with that said… all set to begin? Grab yourself some supplies and let’s get started!
Warm Regards
Chris Elmore
Portraits Made Easy
P.S. If you download ‘Charcoal Portrait Mastery’ to your hard drive and you still can’t draw more efficiently by the end of it … simple request a full refund (there’s nothing to send back) so you basically get to keep it free!
P.P.S. A common question asked by others is whether it matters which country I live in. The answer is no … you can download the course from any location in any country, no matter what your age or current skill level.
P.P.P.S. If you’re wondering if our course works on a PC or MAC … the answer is BOTH! On the next page you can download either PC version or MAC version. Combined with our full 30 day money back guarantee … you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain!